About 1AffordableCall

Founded in August 2000, we are an independent telecoms consultancy with over 20 years expertise in the industry.

We are completely independent and are not tied to any particular Service Provider. This means that we can provide your business with impartial advice that ultimately provides the most cost-effective solution for your business. We carefully vet all potential providers to ensure that they provide an excellent level of service and support before we recommend them.

“We take the hassle out of the haggle”

If you decide to sign-up for their services through us, we will process your order and liaise with the Provider on your behalf throughout the entire process. We will take the hassle out of the entire process for you. We will keep you advised on the progress of your order until the services go live and everything has been completed to your satisfaction.

This active support ensures that orders are completed quickly and efficiently, and also helps to ensure that any migrations/transfers are timely and seamless. In the unlikely event of any issues, we will deal with them on your behalf and keep you fully advised.

Ongoing Support

Once your new services have been set-up, we continue to monitor their performance of the Provider, both directly and via feedback from our clients, to ensure that the quality of service is maintained.

We also review your invoices to ensure that your tariff is still highly competitive. Please note that this is not a widespread practice. Our diligence in this matter distinguishes us from many others offering similar services.

With all the Service Providers that we recommend, we will ensure that you have a named ‘Account Manager’ and provide you with direct contact details including phone and email.

One Bill Option

All these services can be billed in a single invoice or broken down by cost centre as required.

Account Management

We also provide ongoing support through UK-based Customer Services. If you have a fault, simply contact us and we will liaise with the Provider and/or Openreach on your behalf. We will keep you advised regularly until the issue is resolved to your satisfaction.

We offer a one stop service for all your telecommunication requirements, including business phone systems, Broadband, IT, Mobile phones and packages, Facsimile services. Please refer to our ‘Telecoms Services‘ section for further details.